Events: Bow Skills Panel: exposing the ‘guts’ – artistic labour and future ecologies
I am thrilled to be in the company of the inimitable Ama Josephine Budge and Angela YT as we reckon with the stickiness of ecology x art x labour.

Event: Blackheath Rising Up with The Walking Trees Collective
I am honoured to have been invited by my buddies Fin Forbes-Gower and Sophie Hughes to guest co-host on their next The Walking Trees Collective gathering this Sunday 29th October.

Exhibition: In the Margins: Tales from a Peri Vale, Horsenden
In the Margins: Tales From a Perivale is a five0part, fifteen-minute audio (stranger-than) fiction series encouraging us to read…or listen…between the border lines.

Press: Slow Ways and London National Park City
Thank you to Ingrina Shah and Heiba Lamara for authoring recent articles about my work.

Exhibition: Loops Made 2 Hold Us // Take Care 2 Gether.wav 14-16 July @ Metroland Cultures, Kilburn
Made of sounds, clay, Brent-ish water, and sunlight captured in the Caribbean, these cyclical loops were made 2 hold us. A space for things to fall in and out of synchronicity, and take form in the company of each other.

Residency: Perivale Artist-In-Residence June-Sept
I am honoured to be the next Perivale Artist in Residence! From now until September I’ll have even more excuse to hang out in one of my favourite places in London.

Workshop: "Along the fold" zine making workshop, Part of: Meet me at the Edge, London Festival of Architecture, Sun 9 July
At first glance, the suburban high street might feel relatively nature-poor but how might we shift our attention differently in order to invite ecology to shimmer to the fore? This Sunday 9th July I'll be hosting a zine-making workshop celebrating signs of ecology in the margins, gaps and cracks!

Intervention: The Enmessing Table Part of: Art, Climate, Transition Symposium at Toynbee Studios 29 June, all day
Artsadmin are co-hosting an international symposium with Art, Climate, Transition (ACT) on 28 and 29 July at Toynbee Studios, East London! I will be humbly contributing to the rich two day programme with The Enmessing Table.

Showcase: Transformative Futures Takeover Camden Art Centre, 2-3 July, all day
The Transformative Futures weekend is an opportunity for the Transformative Futures Youth Collective to present their works and findings of experimentation and material investigation across themes of embodiment, collaboration and connection.
![Walk: Re-enchanting the Edg[e]ware, 18 June 5.30-7pm](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619fc21558cbd07ddae57be5/1685052542173-JYLG00KMU4Y5DWTF6I9G/Screenshot+2023-05-25+at+23.08.07.png)