Museum of Enclosure x Perpetual Stew#2
The Museum of Enclosure is an exhibition inhabiting @houseofannetta and nestled within “Perpetual Stew #2” - a week-long series of learning through spatial justice struggles, weaving the threads between knowledge justice and land justice, co-led by @the_gleaners_cafe.

Solo Exhibition: Muntjac: Fleeting correspondences on invasion, invitation, ill-logics and brown bodies, 1-16 August
Muntjac is a project inspired by a series of personal encounters with the ‘invasive’ muntjac deer across the woodlands of London. The exhibition and supporting programme of correspondences with co-conspiritors contribute to ongoing discourses around who is welcome to and feel joy on, this island.

Artwork feature: Compost Crystals in "We The Forest" published by Forestry England
I am so honoured to be featured in We The Forest a stunning book combining art with science to open children's and adults' eyes afresh to the wonders of the forest.

Solo Exhibition: I'm Weather Under The Feeling RAINBOWCUBE, Seoul, 17 - 26 May
Enter RAINBOWCUBE and step into an elemental weather-world of inhalable poems, secret currents, clouded messages and warmth-activated material objects….

Eco-community: The Caretakers Project
I have been supporting the team at Bethnal Green Nature Reserve to develop the Caretakers Project - an experiment in pooling the collective knowledge and experience of people who initiate, volunteer for, tend to and otherwise take care of London’s grassroots ecological spaces from community allotments to tiny forests, kerbside parklets and neighbourhood orchards.

Collaboration: All The Elements @ Timber Festival, National Forest, England, 5-7 July
I am happy to announce I have been generously invited to join All The Elements at Timber Festival, held 5-7 July in the National Forest, England.

Exhibition & Events: Reel Yummy!, Somers Gallery London
Reel Yummy! is a series of experiments incorporating touch and the senses into the experience of screen-based moving image artworks.

Exhibition & Events: Membranes, Hypha Studios, London. 1 March - 7 April
Six art-science practitioners are stitched together through the ‘membrane’…the word we are using to denote the site at which bio-geo-chemical exchange occurs between entities and environments.

Event: Membranes Art-Science Symposium Hypha Studios, London. 26-31 March
As part of Membranes at Hypha Studios we are hosting a 4 day Art-Science Symposium 26-31 March.

Award: Jerwood Arts x 101 Outdoor Centre
I feel very fortunate to have been selected for one of five spots on the inaugural Jerwood Arts x 101 Outdoor Centre Artist Development Award.

Residency: RADAR Loughborough x Charnwood Forest Geopark Visiting Artist
I am honoured to have been selected by LU Arts (Loughborough University) in partnership with Charnwood Forest Geopark as a visiting artist.

Exhibition & Events: Soft Tissue: Feeling-through Precarious Times
Soft Tissue: Feeling-through Precarious Times. This exhibition at Metroland Cultures, curated by artist and Squishy Collective founder Becky Lyon, invites people to step into a circle of sculptures, materials, films, sounds and texts that will offer and open up gestures, rituals and ideas for navigating precarious times.

Events: Wild Perspectives
Join me for Wild Perspectives at the Sainsbury Centre for a museum late of film, performance, music and practice curated by Dr Sarah Wade inspiring us to think-feel beyond human perspectives and respond-responsibility to ecological crisis.

Eco-mmunity: The Care-takers Project - A collaboration between London National Park City and Bethnal Green Nature Reserve
As part of my role as volunteer Ranger at London National Park City and my ongoing friendship with Bethnal Green Nature Reserve aka Phytology, I am proud to be supporting and manifesting The Urban Ecologies Care-takers Project!

Events: Bow Skills Panel: exposing the ‘guts’ – artistic labour and future ecologies
I am thrilled to be in the company of the inimitable Ama Josephine Budge and Angela YT as we reckon with the stickiness of ecology x art x labour.

Event: Blackheath Rising Up with The Walking Trees Collective
I am honoured to have been invited by my buddies Fin Forbes-Gower and Sophie Hughes to guest co-host on their next The Walking Trees Collective gathering this Sunday 29th October.

Exhibition: In the Margins: Tales from a Peri Vale, Horsenden
In the Margins: Tales From a Perivale is a five0part, fifteen-minute audio (stranger-than) fiction series encouraging us to read…or listen…between the border lines.

Press: Slow Ways and London National Park City
Thank you to Ingrina Shah and Heiba Lamara for authoring recent articles about my work.

Exhibition: Loops Made 2 Hold Us // Take Care 2 Gether.wav 14-16 July @ Metroland Cultures, Kilburn
Made of sounds, clay, Brent-ish water, and sunlight captured in the Caribbean, these cyclical loops were made 2 hold us. A space for things to fall in and out of synchronicity, and take form in the company of each other.

Residency: Perivale Artist-In-Residence June-Sept
I am honoured to be the next Perivale Artist in Residence! From now until September I’ll have even more excuse to hang out in one of my favourite places in London.