Events: Wild Perspectives
Join me for Wild Perspectives at the Sainsbury Centre for a museum late of film, performance, music and practice curated by Dr Sarah Wade inspiring us to think-feel beyond human perspectives and respond-responsibility to ecological crisis.

Event: Blackheath Rising Up with The Walking Trees Collective
I am honoured to have been invited by my buddies Fin Forbes-Gower and Sophie Hughes to guest co-host on their next The Walking Trees Collective gathering this Sunday 29th October.

Workshop: "Along the fold" zine making workshop, Part of: Meet me at the Edge, London Festival of Architecture, Sun 9 July
At first glance, the suburban high street might feel relatively nature-poor but how might we shift our attention differently in order to invite ecology to shimmer to the fore? This Sunday 9th July I'll be hosting a zine-making workshop celebrating signs of ecology in the margins, gaps and cracks!
![Walk: Re-enchanting the Edg[e]ware, 18 June 5.30-7pm](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/619fc21558cbd07ddae57be5/1685052542173-JYLG00KMU4Y5DWTF6I9G/Screenshot+2023-05-25+at+23.08.07.png)