Award: Jerwood Arts x 101 Outdoor Centre
I feel very fortunate to have been selected for one of five spots on the inaugural Jerwood Arts x 101 Outdoor Centre Artist Development Award.

Residency: RADAR Loughborough x Charnwood Forest Geopark Visiting Artist
I am honoured to have been selected by LU Arts (Loughborough University) in partnership with Charnwood Forest Geopark as a visiting artist.

Events: Wild Perspectives
Join me for Wild Perspectives at the Sainsbury Centre for a museum late of film, performance, music and practice curated by Dr Sarah Wade inspiring us to think-feel beyond human perspectives and respond-responsibility to ecological crisis.

Eco-mmunity: The Care-takers Project - A collaboration between London National Park City and Bethnal Green Nature Reserve
As part of my role as volunteer Ranger at London National Park City and my ongoing friendship with Bethnal Green Nature Reserve aka Phytology, I am proud to be supporting and manifesting The Urban Ecologies Care-takers Project!